Do you ship Internationally?

Currently you can not purchase using the website to ship internationally. However if you wish to place an order you can contact me be emailing me at international@mermaidattina.com and I can manually input an order for you and ship it. As products are made to order the delivery time could be anywhere from 14 weeks to 60 days. In addition to products you may have to pay import fees and high shipping costs so please keep that in mind.

What is your Refund and return policy?

As items are printed to order you will not be granted a refund, credit your account, or replace a printed product unless
  • the product was misprinted
  • the product was damaged (excluding damages during delivery)
  • the product does not match the fulfillment information (e.g., the printed image is incorrect or placed incorrectly, the product is the wrong size, color, or type, etc.).
To request a refund please email returns@mermaidattina.com within 10 days of delivery, you must include an image of the product in your email.